Like A Clockwork – Moving Experience With Kids

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A decision has been made and you are going to move to a new place! You’ve spent some time on preparations, but how to make your kids ready to move into a new house? Here are some useful facts.

  • Children’s psychology is rather conservative, and the first reaction to this kind of news will be probably negative. Such a conversation is better to be a dialogue where you engage your children to discover good things in the relocation.
  • You would need to show the advantages of your decision which can be eagerly accepted by kids. If you are moving to a bigger apartment, a good idea will be to suggest your kids something they will be able to do or have in their new separate room. Even if it’s making their homework alone or doing their favorite hobby, visualizing will help present it as an aspiration.
  • As something new may scare even an adult, imagine what it seems for kids? That’s why it’s important to listen to them and answer all their questions and address concerns. Explain, how the moving process will look like? How far grandparents will live? How it will be with the new kindergarten or school? Kids say whatever disturbs them so show them you are there to help and protect.
  • Another way to motivate kids is to show the advantages of a new neighborhood, playground, kindergarten or school. Show them pictures from your new area which may attract them and make up a story together about things you will do there together. Or events that are happening around, including visits of Amusement or Zoo Parks.
  • Kids get distracted easily by getting busy, so if they are old enough to help you, try to involve them in the process. You may ask them to pack their clothes or toys presenting it as a game. Some kids feel so great by helping their parents, that this approach may work well for both tasks.


What Chicago may offer to a family with kids?

The first motto of Chicago means ‘City in a Garden’, it’s known for numerous parks and nature areas which are extremely important for any person, but especially for families with kids. What can be better than a day off outdoors for a picnic? Apart from amazing parklands, Chicago suburbs are families-friendly and offer schools and daycare centers.

Like A Clockwork – Moving Experience With Kids