Decisions Before Moving In Together

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You have decided it’s time to move in together, and now you want to make sure your relationship doesn’t take a hit. Moving together isn’t easy, but we have some tips to get you started in the right path to domestic bliss.

Decide how to handle the finances

Before you move in together, you should decide how to pay the bills and how much of them.
You should decide whether to have a joint checking account or not, but if you do- make sure you are both on the same page, without one partner being frugal and the other being a big spender.
If one person has a ton of debt, they should open up about that ahead of time.

Decide on the décor

You may both have your own furniture that needs consolidation, or you may not have furniture at all. Whatever the case is, you should decide on which objects are very important to you, and which you are willing to let go of.
In any case, you should take a trip to the local department and furniture stores, to get some new furniture and paint to feel like a new joint experience.

Decide who does what around the house

You should discuss who is responsible for what: whether you’re both responsible for doing the dishes, or just one of you, you should talk about your expectations from your significant other.

Hire a moving company

To avoid the stress and headache of having to do the heavy lifting, hire professional movers to take care of the actual move, and focus on what matters: your relationship.



Decisions Before Moving In Together