Essential Tips to Consider When Moving with Pets

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Moving can be hectic, especially when there are pets involved. The sudden move from the place they’d known to be home to a completely new environment can really stress them.

If you’re planning to move with your pet but don’t know where to start, then you are in the right place. Read on for amazing tips to help ensure a smooth transition for you and your furry friend.

Choose a Safe New Home and Neighborhood

When looking for your dream home, ensure to consider whether your pet will love it as well. You may want to take a walk around the neighborhood to check if the area will be safe for your pet. Check out for aggressive dogs or those left unattended.

Contact Your Vet

If you intend to move outside your current home area, it’s important that you consult your vet to give you any prescription medications and relevant records. You may also ask them if they have a reputable vet they can refer you to in your new home.

Make Transportation Arrangements on Time

Ensure to make the necessary preparation for your pet transportation by the eve of your moving day. Will you be driving or flying? Are you hiring a mover or moving by yourself? Such questions will help you decide on the best arrangement for your pet’s transportation.

If you intend to travel by air, ensure to notify the airport and make reservations on time. Most airports can only allow a limited number of pets per flight.

Use Updated Identification Tags

The moving day can be confusing and stressful both for you and your pet. There have been instances where pets get lost when their owners are moving. Therefore, identification tags are essential to enable you to trace your pet should they get lost in the process. Include your active cell phone number and a microchip to track them efficiently should they get lost.

The Bottom Line

Moving on your own can be very challenging and exhausting. You may want to hire a reputable moving company to help you transition smoothly to your new home. Professional movers have the necessary skills and experience to get the job done faster and flawlessly.

Essential Tips to Consider When Moving with Pets