How to Move House Plants Long Distance

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After taking care of your plants for so long, you don’t want to abandon them when you move to your new house. But is moving houses good for house plants? And if so, how do you do it? We have all the tips from our professional movers and packers.

Size estimate

When you plan to move your house plants, consider that they require room in the moving truck and include them when you get an estimate.

Summer / fall / winter / spring

If you can, make a list of your plants and their schedule. Plants have a dormant season, which is usually between October to February.


Every area has a different climate, and you need to make sure that the climates are not so different for the house plants – some plants can’t grow in cold or hot climates.

Long distance packing and moving instructions

  • Place plants in pots, ready to move – no glass containers please! Handles are a welcome option.
  • Label the pots – type, soil, designated location in the new house or garden.
  • Living in a dry area? Spray the plants on moving day.
  • If it’s a very hot day, some plants will get scorched in the sunlight, so don’t leave them out unattended and without shade. You can also add a layer of mulch to protect the plants.
  • If it’s a very cold day, mulch is also welcome here – it will insulate the plants against the cold. You can also cover the plants up with nylon or a tarp – like they do in greenhouses.
  • Plan the truck layout – some plants need more sunshine than others, so place them next to a window in the moving truck.
  • Contact your moving company to let them know which pants you will be taking with you. Some moving companies have special moving boxes, and some will even create custom boxes for your one of a kind items that need moving.

We wish you and your house plants a happy and fruitful move!



How to Move House Plants Long Distance