Packing Like A Pro – Short Tips For A Living Room

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There are hundreds of hacks for each category of possessions for the most efficient packing. It’s worth investing time in looking for the best ways and enjoying a smooth moving day and unpacking, as that’s the aim, right?


How To Pack Books And Photographs.

If you are a lucky library owner, these tips os for you, but also if you prefer e-books, probably, the ones you keep at home are especially valuable for you. Someone said that you could recognize the right person by his attitude to books. So here’s how to pack them and keep safe.

  • Use small boxes as books are heavy.
  • If you put them with a spine facing up, it may lead to a damaged binder.
  • Wrap with an individual paper the ones you love especially.

For preparing your framed photos for relocating, we advise you to pack them ahead. Otherwise, it may get on your nerve if you postpone it to the last days. Doing in a hurry can’t be that accurate and may lead to undesirable damage.

Pack them into a separate box marked “fragile,” bubble wrap would be one of the best solutions. Try not to leave room for possible shaking and breaking glass.


Small Appliances:

  • Remove batteries before packing.
  • Empty the iron from water.
  • Wrap all cords to avoid scratching.
  • Pad and cushion small items with paper, linens, or towels.


Other tips:

  • Take pictures of electronics and furniture before disassembling.
  • Load furniture first to the truck.
  • Make sure you have original carton boxes from your electronics; otherwise, you’ll need more wrap and cardboard.
  • Label the boxes with room’s name, and if you want to be a pro in packing, list everything inside the cartons for the quickest search in your new home.
  • In addition to the previous one, the numbering system can upgrade the preparation to the next level. This way, you’ll be able to find wanted items very fast.


Don’t forget to call professional movers to make your moving experience less stressful.

Packing Like A Pro – Short Tips For A Living