Preparing Your Wardrobe For Moving – Smart Hacks

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Everyone would like to make a relocation as smooth as possible, and it depends on many factors. But packing, especially clothes, is maybe, the most time and energy-consuming. And if you don’t take a wise approach, it may screw up the whole moving process. Today, we want to focus only on this part and show you some hacks to prepare your clothes for packing as an expert.

Sort And Purge.

Worse than packing can only be moving something you won’t want to wear. Because it means this extra clothes and shoes will take more space, impact the movers’ cost, take time and energy to unload and unpack just to see that all of this was in vain. We are sure you would avoid this scenario.

Start with sorting your clothes by seasons and put aside at once everything you won’t take to a new place. Here’s the example what can help you to say goodbye to some loved but unnecessary pieces:

  • Inspect an item for an old stain, a hole, and a state in general. Worn-out sweater with spools will never make you look gorgeous, so give it no mercy! If you like a stained piece too much, make a pile of clothes you’ll try to clean. Don’t forget to fold it only when it’s completely dry.
  • Try to match it with at least three looks. If you’ve ever made a spontaneous purchase, we bet you own at least a couple of things like that. This type of clothes make your wardrobe look you have enough, but sometimes you have “nothing to wear”? Then it’s your case, indeed. Getting rid of these items will let you build your wardrobe wiser in a new house without additional moving.
  • If you don’t remember wearing it at least once during the last season, there’s a reason for that. And it doesn’t matter if it’s not your size or it doesn’t make you feel comfy in that, as it’s not right for you, there’s only one answer – purge. If the item is old and not classic, the solution should come at once – “donate” or “sale” pile unless you collect clothes for an extravagant photoshoot.
  • While sorting your clothes by seasons (and by person), build three other stacks for donating, selling, and decluttering. If you have a couple of months before moving, it should be quite achievable to manage all three tasks. If it’s a quick move, don’t hesitate and throw everything that you won’t keep, instead. Still, hesitating? Come back to the beginning of this part and read all the efforts you would need to put in vain for moving excess clothes with you.

When this step is behind, you are ready for packing. Don’t postpone it till the last week, start it right after you are done with purging.

Preparing Your Wardrobe For Moving – Smart Hacks